2016 International AIDS Day

PROMETRA International Continues the Fight Against HIV

PROMETRA International continues its decades long fight to end the epidemic of HIV/AIDS that continues to devastate our continent. We continue our research into the safety and effectiveness of African traditional herbal products with our academic partner, Morehouse School of Medicine (USA).  Our traditional healers are being trained as Information, Education and Communication (IEC) agents throughout Africa through our scientifically based, culturally competent, linguistically appropriate FAPEG curriculum. http://FAPEG     PROMETRA International has trained over 18,000 traditional healers in the past decade utilizing this educational system designed for non readers and taught in local African languages.  We realize that this HIV epidemic cannot be addressed without the full involvement of traditional healers, frontline workers and community based leaders.A summary of PROMETRA International’s efforts across the HIV AIDS spectrum is outlined in the following chart:http://prometra.org/research/hivaids.2016-prometra-aids-matrix


Andrew J. Young Foundation - VISIONS 2017


PROMETRA International Welcomes Andrew J Young Foundation and Morehouse School of Medicine to Senegal