2017 African Traditional Medicine Day

Celebrate African Traditional Medicine Day – August 31st

In July 2003 the African Heads of State and Government endorsed a plan of action for the first Decade of African Traditional Medicine. The World Health Organization Africa Region (WHO AFRO) officially designated August 31st of each year as African Traditional Medicine Day. PROMETRA International and its network of 28 global chapters celebrate African Traditional Medicine Day and calls upon the world to recognize, respect, conduct research, and partner with our systems of African traditional medicine and traditional knowledge. PROMETRA chapters throughout Africa host individual meetings, conferences, ceremonies and public events to honor our system of African Traditional Medicine  Dr. Erick Gbodossou, President of PROMETRA International shares PROMETRA International’s annual presentation with our network and partners.DISCOURS JAMT 2017 PROMETRA - FrenchATMD 2017 PROMETRA Statement - English


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