Planning a Visit to Senegal? Stay with PROMETRA International at its METRAF Auberge.

Planning a Visit to Senegal?  Stay with PROMETRA International at its METRAF Auberge.

PROMETRA International is pleased to announce the opening of its new METRAF Auberge (bed and breakfast hotel) in Dakar, Senegal.  Welcoming guests from around the world, the METRAF Auberge has hotel rooms, conference meeting space and a restaurant available within the private compound.  The METRAF Auberge is located in a Dakar suburb, close to the famous Pink Lake.For more information review our information flyer. French English Call  us  - 221 77 517 3472 or 70 924 1174Pour plus d'informations, consultez notre dépliant d'information.



PROMETRA Uganda Participates in OIC 1st International Congress on Integration of Traditional & Complementary Medicine


WIPO releases Guide pratique de la propriété intellectuelle